Busy Mason Bees

The lovely weather has brought out so many flowers and blossoms in the garden and the mason bees, Osmia rufa, from the wonderful bee house have started to appear.  I had placed the cocoons in the “release” chamber  at the bottom of the box and had been lucky enough to see one of them struggle to bite his way free, it was quite something!


Empty mason bee cocoons and a newly emerged little male.

So far there must be at least 12 empty cases now. The first to emerge are the males from their smaller cocoons. Then the females follow on.


One female has started to build already, 2 cells in construction. And they love forget-me-nots. 

By the way, mason bees do not destroy walls.. they are called mason bees because they build! The females collect the mud to make the separate sections in the nest.

All this wildlife and new growth brings a little bit of joy to  the present gloom. I do hope you are all keeping well!

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One Comment

  1. I bought one of these bee nest boxes on your recommendation – I have my first occupant. It’s fascinating. It’s so lovely to see the bees again!

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