Quercus: A Small Block Book

A small block book using some trial prints from the oak tree plates. I wanted to make another block book in the same way I had made the Seed Book in the summer in Amsterdam, just to make sure I could remember the process and steps.


The 8 trial prints were a mixture of the plates in red and black and on the opposite side the word “Quercus” just stencilled in grey. I also decorated the edges roughly to see how that might work.

trees-1     tree-2
Prints and book makeup.

The book and the plates

I say “just”  but it was quite a job to paste all the pages onto the boards to get the correct fitting and to keep things clean and not get gluey finger marks all over everything. An awful lot of careful measuring and accurate cutting is required too which I definitely need to improve on.
So it’s fine but a little raggy here and there.

“Quercus” –  Oak Trees of Savages Spinney.  A Book of 8 Prints


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