Portrait November

The artists group on Twitter are running with the theme #portraitnovember this month. Although portraits are not really my passion and it is a long time since I drew any people, I feel that drawing anything is good practice.

So I am going to try to some “portrait” sketching each day. It might well come in handy for some prints and who knows where it might go. I have also asked my Easton painters if they would like to join me, I hope they will!
So to start with, a page of little thumbnail sketches. They are just constructions of basic head shapes for a bit of practice.
Oh… I am rusty.












Then a few pen and ink sketches again from constructed head shapes.

First faces : pen and ink and pencil. A4 sketchbook

After so long away from drawing faces I am just glad they look human.

But something odd happens when you create a face. Suddenly a new character has arrived in your life ..from where? Memories, imagination, wishful thinking? I am not sure.

Then having magicked them up, there is an odd sense of responsibility to, and for, them and a wish to know their story.










Who are you? Where are you from? Where to…. ?

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One Comment

  1. It's been way too long since I visited your blog. I could peruse your sketches all day…they're just exquisite. And these pen and ink portraits are so lovely…it's such a treat to visit here!

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