Catching up.. Easton Sketches

It’s definitely time that regular posting resumed. I have a backlog of stuff on my desk and so today I’ll thought I would start with two weeks of sketches from Easton Walled Gardens.

A couple of weeks ago I gave my very excellent painting group a challenge.  To try to do a drawing every day, based on their own sketches or photos of Easton.

We all have such busy lives that sadly we don’t have the luxury of visiting everyday or even every week. So this is a good exercise to make quick decisions from photos, do your daily practise and then get on with your life.
The rules are simple. A quick drawing everyday which should take no longer than half an hour.
The aim is to make drawing and sketching as simple and everyday as brushing your teeth. It would be ungallant if I did not participate: so here are my 15…of variable quality.
I  have banned the use of the words “good” and “bad”.  Sketches should be explorations and practice and are always useful.

I use these for all sorts of reason, exploring ideas, brushing up on colour, drawing and perspective or just recording a moment.

b archb glasshouse b easton 9 b easton10 bench  b easton sketch 8 b easton 4th b 2 of the towers b apple tower b greenhouse window urn july 1 bg copy b ba  b easton2 b gunnera s b the wheatsheaf

Easton Sketches 5 x7” sketchbook: pen and ink or watercolour or both!

A couple of these were done on site on a gloriously sunny day last week when the air was heady with scent, roses tumbled over trellises and swallows dipped over the stream.
As Ian, one of our group described it, simply “intoxicating”.

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