First February Garden Sketches

This week I have been thinking about my up and coming Workshops and preparing some ideas and samples. I will be at Barnesdale Gardens on Sunday 17th Feb to advertise the Illustrated Garden workshops and I am putting together some materials, (while still getting in the daily practice). Sometimes a plan is nice to start with. There are a million different ways of doing it.  I quite like to play with perspective so here is a rough sketch of the back garden as it was in January. I am thinking I should have made it snowy.


And  some small  images for a  series of “What I saw in the Garden in Feb” booklets which will have some text and some sort of cover.

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Trees, sometimes dark sometimes light and flocks of chaffinches

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Hellebores with spiky leaves and magnolia buds

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The thrush eating a snail outside my window and aconites in a dark border


In the pond, signs of life. The curious backswimmers


They are only 3 x 8.25 inches and are a nice size to work on quite quickly. The next 7 will be about simpler recording techniques.


I made a couple of rough zigzag books which are another possibility and fun to do. More of these when they are finished.

Meanwhile today I noticed that despite some frost and snow flurries, things in the Garden are really beginning to grow! Vinca, first snowdrops, hydrangea shoots and of course many weeds.

How lovely! Next week is dedicated to prints..Yea!

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