Tiny Mouse Sketches

Every morning Chris throws out a handful of bird food onto the concrete slabs by the kitchen door. It’s usually the robin, the blackbird and the “Gang of Three” starlings who are first there. Now we have a tiny mouse who creeps out from behind a planter.. rushes over to snatch a seed or a piece of cheese and rushes back. It is so charming. We only see it when it’s just getting light. It’s hard to see, but the scampering movements and those huge, shining, night vision eyes give it away. I am sure it is a common long tailed field mouse. Apodemus sylvaticus. All ears, eyes and whiskers, dark grey brown on top with a paler fur underneath. A few sketches to try to get my right arm and hand back into action. It’s reluctant and tells me it would rather be gardening, and I am very rusty.. in all senses. But work is piling up and its actually lovely to be able to sit down with the radio and my pencils again!

fieldmouse bg

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  1. I love your little mouse Val!

  2. Charming, Beatrix would be pleased.

  3. Lovely drawings, thank you!

  4. Oh now this is just too adorably sweet! Mice are something I have had to get used to since moving to somewhere more rural. With your gorgeous sketches I can now properly identify our 'little visitors' as field mice.

  5. 'All creatures, great and small'
    Besides some damage to garden that they can make, observing birds and mice its a calming way of spending sometime. Do you have squirrels in your garden??


  6. Thanks you all for your very kind comments. I have been away from the blog and trying to get the ugly bungalow more habitable! The mice have increased now to two… Hmmmm! Maybe 4 next week and then 8 and then 16 etc etc.
    Sadly no squirrels ..yet..but today a beautiful thrush arrived..just lovely!

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