

For seven centuries this little robin has been singing his heart out from the pages of the magnificent Macclesfield Psalter.

To all my faithful blogging friends and readers;  May your robins be singing for you wherever you are.

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  1. Lovely!

    May you keep being inspired by such beauty to create your own.

    a delighted reader,

  2. Would be a delight to hear a Robin!

  3. Anna… in a word…. Ditto 🙂
    Darla.. thank you so much for your comment. I do miss the little robins, especially in the garden.. but then all I have to do here in Florida is step outside and watch the glorious red cardinals.. so beautiful!

  4. I certainly haven't been very faithful (and I have no idea why not!), but this was a lovely rendition. Thank you for the lovely thought, and I would wish the same for you throughout 2010. 🙂

  5. SG .. believe me if you comment or glance in this direction even once a year you are faithful and I include you in my very best New Year wishes !

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